
Compression Bear

Compress your images with a bear

Compressing: 0%

Can you tell the difference?

Uncompressed example image


File size: 246 KB

Compressed example image


File size: 53 KB

How does it work?

Great question! It’s really quite simple. One of our compression bears will sit on your images for a few seconds to make them as small as they can, all while retaining the quality. Once the bear is done, you can safely download your compressed image

Know bugs

Our bears can’t properly compress transparent .png files yet.

Our bears get tired, which leads to images sometimes not compressing. Don’t worry though, just try again and we’ll have another bear sit on your image!

Occasionally our bears won’t sit on your image, when we tell them to (They are bears afterall). This results in your image getting bigger!! We’re working hard on training our bears